Effective Ways to Relieve Thrush Naturally

Effective Ways to Relieve Thrush Naturally

Canker sores are sores in the mouth that can feel very painful. This stinging pain can make it difficult for you to eat or even talk. Canker sores or stomatitis can appear in areas of the mouth such as the lips, tongue and inner cheeks, making it difficult for sufferers to eat or talk. However, canker sores on the tongue, lips, or around the inside of the mouth can occur due to viral or fungal infections, food allergies, decreased immune system, injury, and lack of certain nutrients.

Sometimes, this condition can also occur when you are stressed. Luckily, there are many ways to treat canker sores on the tongue that can be done from home. Treatment can also use natural ingredients or medicines purchased at the pharmacy. login CERIABET

1. Sago leaves and licorice root

Saga leaves and licorice have long been believed to be efficacious in treating canker sores. This plant is often used as herbal medicine because it has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. These various effects make saga leaves able to speed up the healing of wounds caused by canker sores.

2. Salt solution

Gargling with a salt solution is known to be effective in relieving pain, reducing inflammation, and speeding up the healing process of gum tissue, lips, or mouth affected by canker sores.

You can mix 1 teaspoon of salt in ½ cup of warm water, then gargle with the solution for 15–30 seconds. Apart from salt, you can also use baking soda as a natural canker sore medicine.

3. Honey

Honey is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Research shows that honey is effective in healing wounds, including reducing the pain, size, and redness of canker sores. It may also help prevent secondary infections. How to use it is simply by applying honey to the affected area four times a day.

4. Ice cubes

Pain caused by canker sores often makes it difficult to eat and drink. To be able to chew food or drink water more comfortably, you can rub ice cubes on the area around the canker sore to reduce the pain for a while.

5. Vegetables and fruits

So that canker sores can heal quickly, you are also advised to meet your nutritional needs, such as vitamin B, vitamin C, zinc, iron and folate. These nutrients can be obtained from vegetables and fruit. Not only vegetables and fruit, various nutrients to treat canker sores can also be obtained from additional supplements.